The term “illegal immigrant” is a
contentious one today, when the words we choose are weapons in political
argument. But it is possible to clear our heads about what will happen,
regardless of whatever we think ought to happen, and what we call the people
involved. What is happening to the United States of America now is a replay of
what happened in the first great republic. Ancient Romans fought over the
status of legally defined aliens in their midst for more than fifty years.
The historical comparison gives us a
time perspective we lack: we know what happened down that road. The illegal
aliens won. In less than 100 years, ethnic and geographical origins ceased to
make any difference in Roman society.
The Fight Over Roman Citizenship
Ancient Rome was a self-governing
republic. Citizens had the right
to vote, and the duty to serve in the army. Since they won every war for about
300 years, territory under Roman control expanded, first to all of Italy, then
to surrounding regions. The pattern was not unlike the small thirteen colonies that
became the United States of America; Romans too sent out colonies to settle on
conquered territory, including the Wild West of its time, the tribal frontier
of Spain and France. The Roman
state became rich in public land-- farmland, mines, forests, etc-- which it
could dispose of to its citizens either as property grants or as leases. This
meant that Roman citizens did not have to pay taxes, unlike the conquered
peoples. Roman citizenship was a valuable possession.
Rome began as one of many small
Italian city-states, and it expanded by making treaties with others. Since
independent states might ally themselves with an enemy, Roman alliances tended
to have strong elements of threat-- they were forced allies, similar to US
policy of interfering in the internal government of weaker states during the
Cold War. Rome’s allies were required to send troops in time of war (which was
most of the time) and to pay for military expenses. Thus being a Roman ally had
considerable disadvantages; they were “friends of Rome” but definitely not
citizens. Among other things, they were not allowed to marry Roman citizens,
since that would provide a legal path to citizenship (again, some similarities
to American laws). Hence there was considerable pressure from the allies, especially
those attached to the Roman armies, to be treated like Roman soldiers who
shared in the spoils of war.
Roman conservatives resisted
widening the franchise. Their center of strength was the Senate, the upper body
of the Roman legislature, which appointed most of the officials and generals.
Senators were from the long-standing patrician families; but new members of the
Senate could be appointed, and so there was some upward mobility-- from former
plebian families that had become wealthy and distinguished, and even ex-slaves
and former allies who had risen in importance. Conservatives, however, looked
down on the newcomers, as merely vulgar rich (although the old families were
rich too), and above all lacking in the heroic virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifice
that made up their historic (and somewhat mythological) self-image.
The True Roman Self-Image of their Heroic Past: Oath of the Horatii |
Over time, the aliens squeezed through the cracks. The Roman army kept getting larger, as its conquests grew. War casualties, especially in the long fight against Carthage (264-146 BC), its most powerful rival, created a need to raise more soldiers from the allies, and more of them were rewarded by becoming integrated in the Roman legions. Roman soldiers were serving longer and farther away from home, and the small farmer-citizens who were the basis of the militia lost their land; hence they migrated to the city of Rome itself, where they joined in the popular assembly, exercising their voting rights, and more importantly, made a riotous crowd that pressured the decisions of the Senate. What to do with impoverished citizens became a standing problem. One solution was to plant colonies, rewarding ex-soldiers with land from conquered peoples. At first these were in Italy itself, where citizens lived in enclaves next to locally self-governing communities of non-citizen allies-- a condition that made the legal distinction into a form of ethnic segregation. Roman colonists could vote and seek favors from the Senate, but only if they traveled to Rome to exercise their right-- since voting was done only in the public assembly.
Rome’s city population also swelled
by an influx of non-citizens-- favor-seekers, merchants, professionals, entertainers.
Many such occupational specialists were slaves or ex-slaves. Somewhat
surprisingly, being a slave in an important Roman family was a path to upward
mobility, since slaves did most of the household and administrative work (being
a slave in agriculture or mining was a different story) and many of them were
eventually freed as an incentive for loyal service. Since old Roman
conservatives looked down on business, ex-slaves became part of the growing
capitalist class. Most important of all was a class of capitalists who leased
the state's public land, since they had the capital to achieve economies of
scale in working large plantations, mines, timber, and importing the food
supply to feed the population of Rome. It was a minimalist state in most
respects. Rome owned vast properties but had few public officials, and they
were appointed to very short terms. Hence most public enterprises were leased
out; capitalists undertook to collect taxes, advancing cash for state needs and
squeezing what they could out of subject peoples. The New Testament gives us a
glimpse of these Roman citizens out in the provinces: Jesus offended local
ethnic loyalties by converting tax collectors; and Paul himself was a Roman
citizen. Since the most important
state organization was the army, the biggest state-related business was
supplying it with weapons, armor, food, ships, and harbors. Rome thus developed its
“military-industrial complex”, similar to the US since late 20th century in
outsourcing as much as possible to private contractors.
The illegal alien problem came to a
head after 146 BC, when Rome emerged as the hegemon, the dominant state in
Mediterranean world. Partisan factions developed in the Roman elite itself;
conservative defenders of the old Republic, but also a “democratic” party in
favor of redistributing public land, handouts to the poor, and widening the
franchise. These were not merely idealists; they had a strong practical
concern, that the basis of the old Roman army-- self-sufficient small farmers--
was disappearing and needed to be revived. This the reformers never did
achieve; but army reform and franchise reform tended to go in tandem. Leading
liberals often came from the ranks of the most successful generals, like Marius
and Caesar. The first famous
reformers were the Gracchus brothers, who ran for the highest office under
proposals to extend the Roman franchise to at least some of the nearby Italian
allies. Tiberius Gracchus was
killed by a crowd of angry senators in 132 BC, as was his brother Gaius ten
years later.
The younger Gracchus did succeed in
passing a law instituting the dole:
the state undertook to import grain to sell to citizens of the capital
below market prices. Handouts by the liberal state became permanent, no
conservatives being strong enough to brave the crowds’ demand for the staple of
food. Rome created the early welfare state, in effect a massive food stamp
program. Poor citizens were never supported to the level of the prosperous
classes but their numbers as a political force kept them going for centuries on
the public dole. Supplying “bread and circuses” became the path to popularity
by subsequent Roman politicians. The elite undertook to keep the people
entertained by sports and other spectacles, in stadiums and colosseums that
Americans imitate today.
Although franchise reform was
defeated, one political crisis after another kept opening loopholes for more
resident aliens to become citizens. Around 100 BC, Marius reformed the army;
eliminating the old militia in which all land-owning citizens were called each
year, and putting in its place a standing army recruited from the impoverished
proletariat. Soldiers were now long-term volunteers, supported by regular pay,
and rewarded by allotment of lands when their 16-year tour was up. Such armies
were much more expensive, and generals had to be capitalists in their own right
to raise an army, and aggressive conquerors of new territory in order to pay
for it. Marius’ nephew, Julius Caesar, would become the great master of this
path to success-- a liberal reformer who made an alliance between some of the
richest capitalists and the urban poor.
In the meantime, full-scale war
broke out over the question of the franchise. In 91 BC, another liberal
reformer, Livius Drusus, ran on a program to give the Roman franchise to all
Italians. He was murdered before the vote, giving rise to the Social War that
went on from 91-88 BC. It was so
called because the Latin word socii meant allies-- the war of the
long-suffering second-class non-citizens. This time the aliens had strong
support, in the liberal faction of the Roman elite, and their new-style popular
generals. The Social War dragged on for three years, fought in communities all
over Italy. It ended in a compromise, since foreign provinces were taking the
opportunity to revolt; peace terms offered Roman citizenship to all those who
laid down their arms. Another bloody civil war went on down to 83 BC between
the conservative general Sulla and the liberal Marius; the democrats were
defeated but in the aftermath the franchise was conceded throughout Italy. Both sides had come to depend too much
upon non-citizen communities for soldiers and support; and so many Romans from
high ranking families were killed and expropriated in partisan purges that it
brought considerable opportunities for upward mobility.
With Julius Caesar, the pattern was
repeated on a larger scale, this time outside of Italy. Caesar recruited large
numbers of Gauls, Spaniards and others into his legions; and during his
conquests he bargained with friendly tribes by offering some form of citizenship.
By the time of his assassination in 44 BC, Caesar was planning to erase the
distinction between Italy and the foreign provinces. When peace was
reestablished in the reign of Augustus Caesar in 27 BC, all this came to pass.
Henceforward, Senators were appointed from all over the Empire, irrespective of
origin. The highest offices were open to any citizen, without distinction of
ethnicity or geography (of course there were other criteria, such as being
rich, and above all a supporter of the ruling faction); emperors themselves
came from all parts of Italy and the distant provinces.
It was a surprising example of
successful ethnic assimilation.
After about 60 BC, most of the famous authors and politicians had been
born outside of Rome: Cicero, Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Livy, and Ovid all came
from remote parts of Italy. During the following centuries of the Roman Empire,
virtually none of the famous names were born at Rome, and they came not only
from Italy but from the provinces. At least in the wealthy and educated
classes-- the only people that we hear about in the histories-- ethnic
distinctions had disappeared. Latin became the universal language throughout
the western provinces; all traces of local cultural identities disappeared. In
the eastern part of the Empire, where the provinces had been under Greek-speaking rulers, Greek
continued to be spoken but Latin was used in official matters. With the end of
a few areas of die-hard resistance, one hears no more of ethnic nationalist
movements. The upper classes and the upwardly mobile, at any rate, lived their
lives as Romans.
And They All Lived Happily Ever After?
Well, not exactly. The rich kept on
getting richer, the poor more displaced from anything except seeking handouts.
Generals became politicians and vice versa. Although the ethnic citizenship
issue was settled, the struggles turned into civil wars over personal power,
until domestic peace was finally established by a hereditary monarchy.
I am not suggesting that America’s
future will resemble Rome in every respect. The political struggle between
liberal democrats and conservative republicans has been much the same in the
history of both countries. But there are structural differences: America is
much less centered on the military as its main engine of the economy, and we
are full of entrepreneurial capitalism of a kind that hardly existed in ancient
times. True, there is a tendency for us to emulate-- no doubt unconsciously--
the Roman practice of franchising out all sorts of government functions,
including military logistics, to capitalist big business, thereby making the
upper classes even more a recipient of the government dole than the poor. But this does not drive the economy to
anywhere near the extent it did in Rome. And since our government and military
are much more bureaucratically organized than in Rome, there is little basis
for a struggle between generals bringing about the downfall of the Republic.
My point here is what the illegal
alien struggle in Rome tells us about ourselves. Roman conservatives fought
against extending citizenship even more violently than their American
counterparts. But they still lost. True, the conservatives had the law on their
side; and they were right when they accused reformers and ethnic aliens of
breaking the law. But the laws were made in their own interest by the
conservatives, and their unwillingness to reform made the struggle turn outside
legal channels.
The country which is the world
center, where wealth and power is concentrated, is inevitably a magnet for
those who are poorer and less privileged. Sometimes the magnet does it own
expanding, just as the Roman alliances and conquests brought more territory
under Roman control, and attracting even more people to Rome. The USA expanded
in much the same way, from colonial times, through the Indian Wars, to the
Spanish-American War (when we got Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, and the
Philippines). Today’s struggle to secure the Mexican border is the same
struggle that started in the 1830s, only then it was ethnic Anglo-Americans who
settled on Texas land that the Mexican revolution had inherited from the
Spanish empire. All the borders that we are militarizing now against illegal
aliens-- from Texas and the Southwest to California-- were part of the peace
treaty that ended the Mexican-American war in 1846, including the Rocky
Mountains states on up to Oregon. It was the biggest land conquest in our
history; but the geography is the same and people are still moving across it.
A wealthy and powerful country
attracts outsiders not only for economic reasons, but because of its prestige.
Its lifestyle becomes the dominant one, setting the standards others imitate,
and especially when its citizens have the most rights. Its magnetic attraction
for outsiders operates whether peacefully or in the aftermath of its conquests.
It has been the same with the other great colonial empires, England and France,
both of whose homelands became flooded with immigrants from their former
The Future
Bottom line: as long as the USA is
rich and dominant, immigrants will keep on coming, by legal means or illegal.
And the historical lesson is there
is nothing that can be done to stop it. Nothing humane, at any rate; doggedly
conservative states that stake their identity upon ethnic purity become the
nastiest of regimes; when they succeed, it is only through the moral outrages
of ethnic cleansing and genocide. America is unlikely to go that route, above
all because we have already gone through so much ethnic assimilation in the
past so that universalism has become one of our celebrated values.
The Roman comparison shows a silver
lining. Despite their violent struggles over citizenship, the aftermath was
surprising rapid in putting the issue behind them. Within a generation after
full citizenship was granted, ethnic divisions were no longer important for
Romans. If we can get to the same resolution, the time-table of our future
should be about the same.
Ancient sources, especially
Polybius; Appian.
Especially good is the synthesis in
Michael Mann, 1986, The Sources of Social
Vol. 1, chapter 9.
P.A. Brunt, 1971. Social Conflicts in the Roman Republic.
Keith Hopkins, 1981. Conquerors and Slaves.
C. Nicolet, 1980. The World of the Citizen in Republican Rome.
Michael Rostovtzeff, 1929. A History of the Ancient World.
Paul Harvey, “Birthplaces of Latin
Authors,” The Oxford Companion to
Classical Literature.